Sex Position: The Firecracker

Get ready for a whizz-bang! This cracking sex position will have you Ooh-ing and Aah-ing all night long.

How Do I Do It?

The receiving partner should sit on a waist-high table top or counter, with their bottom close to the edge and legs spread enough for the Giver to stand between. Once comfortable, the Receiver has to lie down and raise their legs so the Giver holds them up at the ankle. Keep their legs wide during penetration for the greatest range of depth and length of thrusts. For a more leg-locking experience, hook the Receiver’s legs around the Giver’s waist, and the Giver can grip the receiver’s hips; however, this will shorten the thrusts.

Like any Bonfire Night (make that Bonkfire) fun, take care so you don’t land in A&E. Given the enthusiasm necessary to make the Firecracker go off with a bang, we don’t recommend going at it on any old table. Pick a piece of furniture that won’t tip over, is secure (no folding tables!), and sturdy enough to support your weight.

Why Should I Try This Sex Position?

It’s a blast to take the fun out of the bedroom, and this accessible option adds some sparkle to a table top shag. As the furniture supports your weight, this sex position is less strenuous than typical standing positions and leaves you to focus on making each other see fireworks.

The Giver gets to light the fuse of the Firecracker, as they are in control. Allowing for deep and intense penetration, pulses will skyrocket. Just be mindful to communicate with each other, and make sure you’re both comfortable with the depth and speed of the thrusts.

But, if you want your partner to be blown away, The Firecracker is easily adapted for oral sex. With the Receiver elevated by the table, you don’t have to worry about neck strain. All the Giver has to do is get down on their knees!

Make It More Orgasmic!

The weather’s turned colder, and no one likes a cold sausage. So, swap standing in a muddy field for a massage and crack out the warming lubes to beat the chill. Whether as foreplay or not, a little hands-on attention benefits you both, especially with a clitoral vibratorย orย vibrating masturbator.

Plus, with their chest exposed and arms free, the Receiver can tease and titillate themselves while putting on a crackin’ display for their partner. There’s a variety of nipple and clit toys to suit your taste, but why not combine both, and try The Grinder; a versatile grinding toy that adapts to your needs.

Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, the Firecracker is perfect for double-penetration strap-ons. No, not a strapless strap-on; these fancy cock rings double up your rocket and allow you to experience all the fun of a threesome without the stress of finding another partner!

Tantalising Top Sex Toys

Not For You?

Here at Bondara, we know everyone likes to knock boots, so we are working to ensure everyone is represented on our website.

We are committed to inclusivity and diversity. So, we are depicting a range of genders and sexual orientations in our Sex Position blog posts, including straight, gay, lesbian and gender-neutral couples. All instructions will detail how to make our sex positions work for any relationship.

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